Almost every time I go to Vegas, I visit the the Bellagio Conservatory. The displays are always stunning and rotate seasonally. I’m looking forward to visiting again once this Coronavirus virus crisis has passed.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Bellagio Conservatory


I’ve been to Las Vegas many times and the strip is alway bustling and crowded except for early in the morning. From pictures I’ve seen on the news, the Strip is now surreally deserted. Las Vegas, the perpetual party, is on hiatus which hasn’t happened in almost 60 years.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Strip


This week is going to a very tough one for New York City so I thought I’d share image from better days there. This is from a summer evening in July of 2018. Warm evening light lit up the sculpture at the top of the facade of Grand Central Station as I walked down 42nd Street.. I know New York City will get through this tough stretch, though the human cost will be high. I look forward to my next trip there.

New York

Outside Grand Central


This image feels appropriate for a week where much of the world is shut down.

I made this image in Mumbai in February of 2019. This street approaches a temple. As I was photographing, a random person accosts me telling me I can not photograph there. There were signs up saying the temple can not be photographed but I’m at least half of a block from the temple and this part of the street is absolutely not the temple. Random person is yelling about how he’s going to call the police. I point out to him that signs say no photographs of the temple and this is no the temple. Rando insists photographs of the “temple area” are prohibited and I must delete my photographs. I have no doubt his claim about the temple area is completely and utterly false. But to get him to go away I delete the photographs. Cameras use descendent of the ancient FAT filesystem from the DOS days on their memory cards so it’s easy to undelete stuff if you haven’t written more images so I undelete the images later. In the US, I would have yelled back at this idiot to call cops so I could ask them to arrest him from wasting the police’s time since I know aside from national security installations, it legal to photograph anything thanks to the 1st amendment but in foreign countries, I try to avoid unnecessary run-ins with the police.

India, Travel

No Entry


We’re are coming up on almost 2 weeks since the shelter in place order was issued in the Bay Area and I’m really missing being able to go out and create new photographs or simply go out to dinner. So, I’m instead going to through old images that I never got around to publishing. This image is from Half Moon Bay in January.

California, Landscape, Santa Cruz Coast

Half Moon Bay Sunset


Every winter brings yellow mustard flowers to Napa Valley’s vineyards. Winter is a great time to visit Napa Valley as in addition to the mustard flowers, it’s uncrowded and the weather is cool.

California, Wine Country

Napa Valley Mustard


One of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 is to do more local photography. I had planned on making the trek down to Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur but the weather down there was poor. So I replanned and made the much shorter drive to Half Moon Bay.

One of the challenges with intended to do more photography is that it can be hard to plan in advance. The weather can render a planned excursion useless. I was able to find a suitable alternate location today so I’m keeping my resolution so far. However, February kills off most New Year’s resolutions so I’ll need to keep at it.

California, Landscape, Santa Cruz Coast

New Year’s Resolutions


“Caught in the fading light of the longest night” — Howie Day, the Longest Night

This is the last light of 2019 which is also the last light of the decade of the 2010s. It’s very my last photograph that I created in 2019. As the light fades and day turns into night, sometimes the very last image works well.

Every year I think about how both Christmas and New Year’s are a slightly delayed marking of the winter solstice. More than any other event of the year, the shortest day and longest night connect my thoughts to many generations past. The earliest humans lived close to the equator so solstice probably wasn’t a big deal to our earliest ancestors since the length of the days near the equator doesn’t change very much. But once humans move to higher latitudes, the solstice must have very noticeable to our ancestors.

It will never cease to amaze me that Stone Age farmers built giant solstice aligned monuments such as New Grange. Every year I wonder what those monuments signified to them. But at a very visceral level, I understand why the solstice mattered to them. Modern humans know the days will get longer again because we have the science to understand the seasons. But ancient humans must have thought they were at the mercy of Gods for the days to get longer again.

Even with all the science, the glory of seemingly endless summer days is just 6 months away but feels infinitely far off to me. They will indeed return. But in the meantime, we have a couple of months of cold and long winter nights. At least, our modern technology provides light and heat and we are not huddled around a fire hoping the Gods see fit to bring longer days again.

California, Santa Cruz Coast

Last Light


For the final sunset of 2019, I drove out to Capitola and was rewarded with a brilliant sunset.

Happy New Year!

California, Santa Cruz Coast

Goodbye 2019
